Наши компетенции
Коллектив «ПРАЙМ ГРУП» — команда высокопрофессиональных специалистов, обладающих глубокими теоретическими знаниями и богатым практическим опытом в сфере ИТ. Специалисты компании обладают степенями кандидатов и докторов наук, а также имеют сертификаты ведущих компаний-производителей оборудования и программного обеспечения.
Услуги и решения
Информационно-аналитические системы
Информационно-аналитические системы
Оснащение объектов инженерными системами
Оснащение объектов инженерными системами
Телекоммуникационные решения
Телекоммуникационные решения
Сервисный центр
Сервисный центр
Информационная безопасность
Информационная безопасность
Инфраструктурные решения
Инфраструктурные решения
Автоматизированные системы управления ТП
Автоматизированные системы управления ТП
Центры анализа пространственной информации
Центры анализа пространственной информации
Системы электронного документооборота
Системы электронного документооборота
Решения по автоматизации службы внутреннего аудита
Решения по автоматизации службы внутреннего аудита
Корпоративные порталы
Корпоративные порталы
Данные дистанционного зондирования
Данные дистанционного зондирования
Корпоративные геоинформационные системы
Корпоративные геоинформационные системы
PRIME GROUP was established in 1999. The company got a stable business position in IT development very rapidly. We offer solutions in designing and commissioning recent information technologies, being a system integrator for various ministries, departments, banks, oil and gas companies, and other entities of different forms of proprietorship. In this way, we help customers solve any designing, developing, and information system maintenance tasks.
System integration; designing, development, delivery, and commissioning of complex automated systems, anti-emergency protection, commercial oil metering stations, control and registration of energy resources automated systems, housing complex and power supply automated systems.
Delivering and processing satellite imagery and air photography, creating and updating digital maps, creating subject GIS based on various data, integrating GIS with corporate applications, implementing specific analytical models and modules for customer GIS.
Auditing, consulting, reengineering and updating already existing information systems for automating customer business processes, commissioning integrated company management systems based on SAP R/3 ERP systems, creating document workflow systems and record keeping.
Project preparation, establishing and commissioning data transfer networks, creating classic and IP telephony systems, information systems protection, creating VPN corporate protected networks.
Preparing and commissioning solutions of creating corporate data storage and reserve systems, preparing projects on creating and updating customer IT-infrastructure, maintenance of information systems failure-free operation.
Projects for Oil & Gas industry:
- The“ Kpasnoarmeyskaya“PR- “Astrahanskaya“PR (“Lukoyil-Nizhnevolzhskneft“Ltd.,Volgograd) oil-trunk pipeline informating-controlling system.
- The “Yugtransgaz“ (platform Oracle + Maplnfo) computerized geoinformation subsystem creation.
- The “Yugtransgaz“ Ltd. accounting geoinformation system and gas-main infrastructure object certification.
- Computerized oil quality and quantity measuring system on 5 “Krasnodarneftegaz“ Plc. oil measuring units The “Rosneft- Sahalinmorneftegaz“ Ltd. CWCS integrated program development by 2010.
- The “Sybneft-Noyabrskneftegaz“ Plc, Noyabrsk, ased CWCS
- Working drafting of the “Lukoil –Nizhnevolskneft“ Plc. Nicolayev petroleum storage depot.
- CWCS of natural gas preparation and compression unit, gas-measuring unit and LTS gas pipeline of Alekseevskya booster pump house- САЦ III of Korobkovskii NGDU (“ Lukoil-NIzhnevartovsk“ Ltd., Volgograd).
- Delivery of Yokogawa monitors and valves to “Urengoygasprom“ Plc.
- Delivery of stop valve to the first “Lukoil“ Plc. oil company gas-main on the Nahodkinskoye natural gas field.
- Delivery to and installment of dispatching equipment and software at the “Gazprom“ Plc. Central control point.
- The “Sybneft-Noyabrskneftegaz“ Plc. (Anadir) West-Osernoye gas field CWCS object and telecommunication after-sale service.
- HP Superdrom server- based hardware and software package delivery and installment for SAP R/3 system to “Urengoygazprom“ Plc.
- APC InfraStruXure systems implementation in the “Urengoygazprom“ Plc. infrastructure.
Projects for commercial and industrial organization:
- Monitoring systems of computerized banking systems for Bank of Russia.
- A number of banking calculation automatic system modernization and development megaprojects. Research engineering is being carried out. The company is delivering and installing computer and peripheral equipment, creating structured cable network, uninterruptible power and air-conditioning systems at the Bank of Russia central administrative boards in more than ten regions of the Russian Federation.
- Delivery and installment of computer and peripheral equipment for “Russkii Standart“ bank, “Narodnii Kredit“ bank, MSTC, “Russkii Aluminii“ Plc. and “Norilsk Nikel“ Plc.
- Service system development, enables to optimize work of medical organizations, for “Novartis“, leader of the world’s pharmaceutical industry.
Projects for state organizations and funds:
- Personnel registration automatic system modernization for the Moscow land committee.
- Development of additional software information process automation tools for computerized system of the Moscow land committee (Microstation Benity platform).
- Digital a one-two thousandth scale map base (state land cadastre, Moscow) updating for the Moscow land committee.
- QuickBird multispectrum space photography-based ecological monitoring of Moscow natural park areas.
- Space photographing and shipping (from QuickBird to Moscow) of digital space images, which are subject to radiometric and geometric correction.
- Development and approbation in practice of space photography data (from QuickBird) utilization procedure for natural park area growth monitoring.
- EDCS implementation (Lotus Notes/Dominoplatform) for the administration of Nizhnevartovsk, Novii Urengoi, Tazovskii.
- Informational portal of general education creation for the education authority of Khanti-Mansiyskii administrative district.
- Pilot zone of integrated educational and informational network creation of Khanti-Mansiyskii administrative district.
- Housing and communal services automation in Khanti-Mansiyskii administrative district settlements.
- Specialized document circulation closed system creation for FSTEC of Russia.
- Contribution to the interdepartmental closed “Automatic help-desk department system“ creation for FSTEC of Russia.
- Computer equipment and software delivery for Chuvash republican centre of educational technological innovations (Cheboksari) within the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development lending limits. National fund of manpower development announced a competition to Implement “Educational system reform“ project.
- Geographically distributed delivery of hardware and software equipping for offices and justice institutions, involved in registration process of the interest in land and real estate business, within the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development lending limits for the National housing reform fund for Leningradskii and Yamalo-Nentskii autonomous region.
- Conception and architecture development within the FCP “Electronnaya Rossia“ framework, computer equipment delivery for Registry offices. Housing and communal services pooled state information resources of Buryatiya Republic.
- NIR conducting within the FCP “Electronnaya Rossia“ framework on the subject of “Russian spatial data infrastructure construction conception development“ together with “GIS-Association“.
- PRIME GROUP is developing the project of the corporate computer information control system of educational process at religious school within the framework of the agreement with the Educational committee attached to the holy synod of Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow religious academy.
- Equipping Navy headquarter with anti foreign scout hardware complexes and systems.
- Creation of the communication data subsystem of the “Yamaltelecom“ federated telecommunication system.
- Classifier, digital description rules and digital one-one hundred thousandth scale map creation development for “Yamal“ on the Yamalo-Nentskii autonomous region territory.
- Structured cable system designing and mounting for the Yamalo-Nentskii autonomous region office block.
- “Salehardenergo“ (Yamalo-Nentskii autonomous region) boiler-houses automation – telemetry system.
- Subjected to radiometric and geometric correction digital archive satellite photograph (taken by QuickBird) processing (histogram correction and spectral layers alignment) and shipping to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus on geoecology institute of the Russian Academy of Science demand.
- Subjected to radiometric and geometric correction digital archive satellite photograph (taken by QuickBird) shipping to the northern pert of the Urup island (Kurile Islands) for “Sakhalin geological survey expedition».
- QuickBird satellite photographs-based one-five thousandths address plan scale creation (Astrakhan).
- Ikonos stereophotography-based three dimension model of open-cast bauxite minning for Guinea republic.
Помогаем внедрять современные IT-решения для отраслевых компаний.
Путь к успеху
Информационные технологии изменили мир
в котором мы живем. Они дали людям новые возможности, предоставив доступ к огромному количеству информации. Объемы информационных потоков возрастают на всех уровнях
Мир не стоит на месте
IT-индустрия — самая динамичная из современных отраслей. Ведущие мировые производители постоянно совершенствуют свои технологии. Поэтому мы постоянно следим за новейшими разработками, чтобы предлагать самые эффективные решения.
Отдельный компьютер не решает проблемы
Людям нужна законченная информационная система. Мы получаем нужный результат (Result) всегда и никогда не останавливаемся на половине пути. Наша задача — решить все проблемы наших клиентов.
Мы накопили большой опыт
в реализации различных проектов, включая разработку и внедрение телекоммуникационных сетей, информационных систем масштаба предприятия и автоматизацию технологических процессов на предприятиях нефтегазовой, жилищно-коммунальной и других отраслей.
Мощь — ничто
Без интеллекта (Intelligence). Современная информационная система представляет собой сложный комплекс высокотехнологичных устройств и программного обеспечения.
Наши проекты
ОАО «Гипрогазоочистка»
Автоматизированная система управления технологическими процессами установки очистки газа от сероводорода Южно-Хыльчуюского нефтегазового месторождения.
ЗАО «Таманьнефтегаз»
Узел учета сжиженных углеводородных газов (УУ СУГ) для Таманского перегрузочного комплекса
ООО «Газпром нефть Новый Порт»
Комплексные пусконаладочные работы подводной и сухопутной инфраструктуры «Арктического терминала круглогодичной отгрузки нефти Новопортовского месторождения»